Congratulations to the Newly Elected McNair Association of Professionals Officers
Posted by McNair Scholars Program on Sunday, March 15, 2020 19:44 - 0 Comments
The McNair Association of Professionals (MAP) is the representative body for TRIO professionals from colleges, universities, and agencies that host the Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program. MAP is dedicated to fostering and promoting high standards of professional practices and advocating for McNair Scholars Programs at the national level by creating opportunities for educational personnel and participants (students and alumni) with professional development and support.
The mission is accomplished through cultivating a vibrant professional community by collaborating and offering professional development to advance the objectives of the federal TRIO McNair Scholars Program of undergraduate research and doctoral attainment for first-generation, low-income, and underrepresented students in higher education.
Click here to be directed to the McNair Association of Professionals website.