University of Alabama McNair Scholar to Present at Posters on the Hill

Posted by on Friday, March 9, 2012 20:17 - 0 Comments

UA McNair Scholar, Tonya Hutto, pictured in the first row on the far right with her cohort of schoalrs. ;

University of Alabama McNair Scholar Tonya Hutto has  been selected to present at Posters on the Hill.  She was mentored by Dr. Rebecca Howell, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice, and is presenting her McNair research entitled “The Direct Effects of Race on the Adult Court Sentences of Waived Youth: A Replication and Extension.”

Since 1996, the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) has hosted an annual undergraduate poster session on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. The event in intended to help members of Congress understand the importance of undergraduate research by talking directly with the students whom these programs impact.

Any student is eligible to submit an abstract of their research that represents any of CUR’s disciplinary divisions (Arts and Humanities, Health Sciences, Psychology, Social Sciences, Biology, Chemistry, Geosciences, Mathematics/Computer Science, and Physics/Astronomy).

Addition information about Posters on the Hill event can be found at the CUR website.

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